quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011

Close your eyes and see how many stars I hear inside me? A heaven of them, right?

 * I made this text because I thought it would feel good to share something I never shared with anyone else and can express myself without fear and without shame.
         Like lots of girls, I like to talk to the stars. And they answer me. Sometimes I ask them what is going on with me Why am I sad? They are some questions that I do not know the answer. I go to my balcony, I sit watching the sky and see on how the stars are bright and beautiful. Is anyone else looking at these stars? Maybe the other side?! Stars are small, almost insignificant to some but a company to nothers. I miss my childhood, when life was so easy and so happy. Now I can not complain much because my problems are so small compared with disease, famine or destruction of some people.

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